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Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Covid-19


Essay on Assignment of Offering Help

Helping each other in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic


Maz : Hello viery how are you?

Viery : hello I'm fine you?

Maz : yes, i'm fine too, Speaking of covid-19, how do you respond to the current pandemic?

Viery : wow the covid-19 case is increasing but apart from that the cure rate is also increasing.

Maz : Are there any cases of Covid-19 in your area?

Viery : yes, here there, people who are exposed to the covid-19 virus do self-quarantine for 14 days at home.

Maz : wow it is very surprising, covid-19 has occurred throughout the world, hundreds of thousands of people are affected by this virus, the medical personnel who treat all exposed patients must work extra hard.

Viery : Yes, that's right, working all day and wearing thick and covered clothes during the day must be very hard and there are so many patients that must be treated, the number of patients is clearly not comparable with the number of medical personnel working to fight the Covid-19 virus.

Maz : what can we do for medical personnel and residents affected by Covid-19?

the economy has declined due to the closure of all access which causes all activities to become obstructed.

Viery : besides following health protocols, how about we collect donations for our friends who are fighting against Covid-19?

Maz : Good idea, let's collect the donation and then we help our friends and medical personnel !.

Viery : okay, I'll be ready, see you later

Maz : okay, don't forget to follow health protocol too, see you later

Viery : okay, you too, thanks

Maz : You're welcome




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